Looking for ways to turn your self- isolation into as positive an experience as possible? Start overcoming your worries by making mindfulness a part of your lifestyle. Mindfulness is described as a state of being present in the moment, which helps you channel happiness by appreciating the simple pleasures in a moment. Take a look at our list of simple ways you can incorporate mindfulness in your everyday life. Because you can’t control what happens, but what you can control is your mindset and attitude towards it!
1. Establish an Exercise Routine
We understand that the idea of getting sweaty and tired in your living room may not be your idea of finding inner peace but hear us out here. Exercise has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and release feel-good chemicals called endorphins. In fact, just five minutes of exercise has been proven to be enough for the anti-anxiety effects to kick in. Take your time to find the type of workout that makes you feel good, whether that’s a restorative Pilates session or an energetic Zumba class. From on-demand programs like Les Mills to training Apps such as Sweat, find the type of workout that works for you- your body and mind will thank you for it.
2. Set aside an hour of “me time” every day
What’s your favourite thing to do that you haven’t had the time to do lately? Whether it’s crawling up with a good book, meditating, or playing the piano, set aside an hour a day for your favourite activity. If you are working from home, what better way to separate your work time from your home time by taking an hour solely for you and your feel-good activity? And, if you are currently unoccupied, you can dedicate your mornings to being productive through online courses or remote job research, before taking a break and dedicating some time to your soul-soothing activity. Don’t let a day go by without having some “me” time to disconnect from the outside world and tune into your inner callings.
3. Treat meal-time as its own occasion
Break the habit of mindlessly eating in front of a screen by treating meal-time as an occasion. Food is our body’s fuel and the more mindful we are of what we put in our body, the easier it will be to develop healthy eating habits. So take the time and care to prepare your food each day, and look to make your meals as balanced at possible. Set the table, put on some music, sit down with your loved ones, and do whatever else you feel can help turn your meal-times into special daily occasions. By paying attention to your meals and not only will you start to appreciate the taste and flavours of your food more, but you will also find that you are more inclined to eat foods that are good for your body.
4. Turn your home into a cosy oasis
How’s your home looking at the moment? If it’s all clutter, clutter, clutter, now is the perfect time to do go on a re-vamp and de-cluttering mission. Think about what kind of style, colourings, and vibe make you the happiest and start making changes today. Get rid of all the things you’ve been hoarding for years but have never actually used. And make way for cosy blankets, colourful plants, scented candles or whatever else helps you feel calm and at ease. You can also use this time to read up on Feng Shui, to learn how to best organise your home and turn it into a space of positive energy.
5. Filter your media and social media consumption
Are you checking the news every few minutes or finding yourself aimlessly scrolling through social media? Start being mindful of your media consumption and you might come to realise that the media is having a negative effect on your well-being. While it’s important to stay informed, constantly checking the news might, in fact, be making you more anxious. Try to limit yourself to reliable news sources and aim to check the news 2-3 times a day at most. In terms of social media, while it’s a great way to stay connected with loved ones, social media can actually make you feel more isolated. Instead, try to catch up with your loved ones through video calls with genuine conversations, or even interactive games. You’ll be surprised to find that being mindful of your media consumption and cutting down on unnecessary scrolling will help you feel more relaxed, and even happier.
Looking for more ideas on how to spend your time at home? Join LocalBini to offer virtual experiences based on your interests, whether that’s a cooking class or a mindfulness workshop. Earn money doing what you love and share your passion with people from around the world.
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